Tuesday, March 23, 2010



"If You Would Like To DOUBLE Your Mileage And Discover How People Are Saving Thousands Of Dollars, Then This Could Be The Most Important Thing You Have Ever Read..."

WATER GAS? It's no longer science fiction...

At Last! Discover how you can profit from the latest breakthroughs in technology by putting one of these cutting edge Generators in your vehicle and SAVE Hundreds, even Thousands of Dollars a Year in gas! Keep reading to learn how to avoid the next outrageous hike In Gas Prices...

Now Available To The General Public!

Have You Noticed Gas Prices Going Up Again? Find out how you can drive with confidence, knowing that you have the newest Hybrid technology available today while cleaning your engine inside, and cutting emissions outside PLUS you'll be getting the benefit of SAVING MONEY on gas at the same time!
And all you need to do is JUST ADD WATER!
  • Easy to install, complete system fits almost any car!
  • Uses water and your battery to save Huge Dollars every month!
  • Some users have DOUBLED their mileage (and better!) even though they drive big Vehicles!
  • Little Known Fact: Water Safely Stores an Enormous Amount of Energy Just Waiting To Be Freed Like A Tiger in your Tank. YOU will hold the KEY By the Time You're Done reading This!
  • Works with BOTH Fuel Injection and Carburetors, Cleaning Out The gunk and sludge while it steam cleans your engine and reduces emissions- ideal for reducing Global Warming!
  • New Cars, Old Cars, Hot Cars, Cold Cars - It works with all!
  • Tens of Thousands of People around the world are Using this technology Right Now as you read this, and are smiling all the way to the bank!
  • The IRS offers alternative energy deductions for Hydrogen in your Car! Find out how...
If after reading this page you still fell like you need to know more, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

How Does This Thing Work?

HHO graphicIt operates on a 100 year old proven technology called electrolysis.
Whenever you place two pieces of metal in water, and apply electricity, the water separates into it's basic molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O).
If you look at the picture on the left, you will see H2O molecules connected together in their liquid form which isWATER 
But when you apply electricity (from your car battery), the molecules separate and form a GAS (called HHO) which is a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
This HHO GAS is then sucked into your engine and mixed along with the air from the air filter. As the gasoline is ignited in your engine, the HHO GAS is too, making it MORE powerful than gasoline alone.
This is MUCH BETTER than Just Plain Hydrogen because you are also making extra Oxygen which causes the gasoline to burn FASTER and CLEANER resulting in BETTER mileage and a much CLEANER EXHAUST!
The GREAT NEWS, is that you can easily put together a system like below, using commonly available plumbing and electrical parts from your local Home Improvement center, and be SAVING GAS right away!

Can I Really Double My Mileage With This?

YES You Can! It does work - and extremely well if you have the right system. People all over the world are building and installing these HHO generators in their cars and getting consistent mileage increases of 30%-50% (and some are even DOUBLING their mileage and more)!
fuel gaugeWhat if you could Suddenly be getting 35 or 40 MPG instead of just 17 or 21 MPG? How much money could you be saving to use for other things? Obviously, results vary on the type of car you drive. But make no mistake about it - if you build it like I show you, you WILL save gas, just like these people have done:
98 van"-I have a '98 Ford Van with a 5.8 liter engine that sucks the gas at 10 MPG. I put TWO generators in it and now get 22.8 MPG! Thats about 123% increase!"

-Tom B. Canton, OH
blue honda"-My 2007 Honda went from 33 MPG to over 85MPG on the highway ! That's better than a Hybrid and a lot cheaper too.

-Cory R. New Jersey

FREE Yourself from the Greedy Oil Companies and Useless Politicians!

You're probably reading this and wondering why in the world this isn't being put into every car being made in America and around the world? Good Question! And if I wasn't so cynical, I'd say it was because they just haven't heard about this breakthrough energy producer yet. But this technology has been around for almost a Hundred Years!
Can I let you in on a dirty little secret? They don't really want cars to get too much mileage. Why? They say it might ruin our economy and send oil prices plummeting!It could destabilize the middle east (like it's not already?). Then who would buy their expensive lunches and take them on trips? Poor babies - don't you feel sorry for them?

They Had A Chance To Give Us A 200 MPG Carburetor!

HAVE you heard of the Man who Invented the 200 MPG Carburetor and the Oil Companies Started doing this ONE THING to render it useless...?
What did they do? You won't believe it! Keep reading and I'll tell you how they prevented you and me from enjoying high mileage vehicles, and how they want to do it again - BUT CAN'T!
The US Has spent $4,263,224,716,327.41importing fossil fuel  
Truth is, we can no longer wait for these guys to get honest and do the right thing. The wars we are fighting and our dependence on foreign oil will ruin us if we don't act fast! The auto industry is taking its time releasing higher mileage cars - at this rate it will take another 40 years!
Until these issues are resolved the Hybrid Water Power System is the only way to provide your car with Hydrogen On Demand – as you need it. There’s no need for dangerous storage tanks.  Because the hydrogen is produced On-Demand, this technology is perfectly safe for you and your passengers.  Thousands of satisfied customers have used this technology for years and it’s been proven bothextremely SAFE and Reliable.
Tthe GREAT NEWS is that you can have the technology right now and put it in your car, and start saving gas right away! You can SAVE the Planet and You can SAVE Money just by using water in our innovative device.

Hybrid Water Power Is GREAT For the Environment!

The Environment is strained and getting worse everyday. Whether you believe man is responsible for it or not is no longer the issue. The truth is we need to act Responsibly and Quickly to do our part to fix it. We need every way available to manage our environment and develop practical solutions.
Our Hybrid Water Power System is the perfect solution!
  • Hybrid Water Power Can Help Clean up the Air by reducing emissions dramatically! Some users have dropped their emissions so low, they didn't have to replace a previously failed catalytic converter!
  • These systems are Easy and Fast To Install. You can put one in your car in as little as 2-3 hours!
  • You can be the first on your block to easily convert your car into a "Water Hybrid"- using a flex fuel! In fact it's the SAFEST Flex fuel because Hydrogen turns back into water when it combusts!You can lead by example!
  • Water is the most abundant element available to man! These units use less than a liter of water a week to save 20-30 gallons of gas a month (or more!)
  • Increase your mileage by 20%-50% or more for just a few hundred dollars. That's cheaper than an electric Hybrid with better results! Why spend $3000-$4000 more for only 4 MPG increase?
  • Lower your engine temperature because the fuel burns faster- less heat is transferred to the block.
  • Lowers emissions dramatically! So clean you almost don't need the catalytic converter (which makes it last longer- saving you replacement costs). The by-product of using HHO gas is WATER!


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