Wednesday, March 24, 2010


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    Success Story #6: Christal Graham

    " I have followed your 5 step recommendations and after less than 3 months of trying, I finally succeeded in my long and painful battle. I am going to have a child. I have no words to express my gratitude!"

    "Dear Lisa,  my doctor had told you to forget about having a child at my age and that I should have considered adopting a baby, but instead I took matters into my own hands and  researched and found your book.  I have soon found it to be a treasure that I could   refer to repeatedly. The clear cut logical yet compassionate approach  that tackles infertility from a  totally different  perspective had captivated me. I have followed your 5 step recommendations and after less than 3 months of trying, I finally succeeded in my long and painful battle. I am going to have a child. I have no words to express my gratitude.
    Thank you!"
    -- Christal Graham(London, UK)

    Subject: Download All - Post to Everyone - Public - Powered by Microsoft UC Trial Service
    To: Microsoft UC Trial Service <>

    "I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of "Trying". 
    You Can Too! Here's How..."

1 comment:

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