Thursday, March 25, 2010


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    Sick and tired of the humiliation of premature ejaculation? Drop everything and read every word on this page... the next few minutes could change your life completely... 
    How You Can Last 10-20 Minutes Longer In Bed Tonight & PermanentlyEnd The Pain & Embarrassment Of Premature Ejaculation
    No pills, no creams, no gimmicks...
     Just a Proven method that works.

    You've probably been hoping to find something like this for months or even years... so I won't waste any time making false claims or trying to build your hopes up...

    Instead, I'll just show you what a few past readers had to say:

    "I was able to go from 3-4 minutes to just under an hour on my first attempt"
    Birmingham, England
    "Since reading your book I've added a good 20 minutes and have been lasting longer than my girlfriend lately"
    Minnesota, U.S.A.
    "I generally lasted about 10 seconds after insertion, which was so horribly embarrassing

    Now I Last Anywhere From 1-1/2 Hours""
    -Brian S.

    Denver, CO U.S.A.
    "... in just the first week I increased my endurance by 20 minutes!!"


    Chicago, IL U.S.A.
    "I was able to last almost 10 minutes that night"

    -Randy K.

    Sacramento, CA U.S.A

    ...if improvements like that would make a difference to you, switch off the TV, grab a chair, and prepare to have your eyes opened...

    From: Tsunami December
    Sex Educator & Researcher

    Dear Friend,

    Embarrassing isn't it?

    You finally got her to come home with you... or maybe you're already in a serious relationship...

    But even better, you've gotten her into bed.

    Except every time you get started, you're suddenly ready to finish... your body tenses,  your breathing gets ragged... and it's all over before it even began.

    She looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and amusement... she says it's okay, but deep down, she wishes you could last longer and give her the time of a life. You know it, she knows it, and you can see it in her eyes.

    Worse, women share everything, so her girlfriends will be hearing all about you and your hair trigger... 

    So yeah, it is embarrassing... but really, it's way beyond that.

    It's humiliating. It makes you feel like less of a man doesn't it?

    And in a way, it's even worse if you're in a long term relationship. Having to constantly look your partner in the eye after a lame performance can become a real romance killer.

    It's a proven fact that a healthy sex life brings relationships closer and increases individual happines. 

    It can be terrible can't it? After a while, Premature Ejaculation is more than a bedroom problem... it's tentacles can reach many aspects of your life... Your self esteem, your mood, your relationship success, and pretty much anything else that revolves around your overall happiness in life.

    I'd worry all the time that my girlfriend would eventually cheat on me - after all, if I couldn't satisfy her, surely she'd give up and look for someone who could?... Well that's exactly what she did.

    Man, they were horrible times, and you're probably going through similar stuff right now...
    If You Are, There's One Important 
    Thing You Need To Know...
    You're not alone...

    In fact, you're very far from alone.

    Statistics show premature ejaculation is a regular problem for 20-40% of all men. 

    So at any time, 2-4 men out of 10 are suffering... and suffering regularly.

    Even though it feels like you've got some kind of terrible disease and it's all your fault, it's really not.

    Chances are that medically, there's nothing wrong with you.

    That's what makes premature ejaculation so easy to fix - in most cases, it takes nothing more than a little fine tuning to see major improvements...

    It really is easy - and by following my methods, you'll get permanent results, and even last considerably longer tonight - but more on that in a minute...

    Premature Ejaculation may not be medical problem for you, but you probably know only too well how much it's affecting your life. Makes things difficult doesn't it?

    I know exactly what you're going through...

    You See, I Have A Dirty Little Secret...

    I really do...

    I've worked as a professional Sex Educator for years now... I've helped numerous couples fix their bedroom problems, and coached many men with premature ejaculation...

    But for the whole first year doing this, I was suffering from a severe case of Premature Ejaculation.

    And when I say severe, I mean it.

    I couldn't last more than a few seconds... I'm not kidding. 

    The idea of lasting even a minute was crazy to me - if I could have gone for 60 seconds I'd have felt like a porn star...

    And all the time, there I am, giving other men advice on how to please their partners and have a happy love life...

    ... when really, I couldn't even please my own girlfriend.

    I felt awful - like a fraud if I'm honest. And believe me, I sure tried to beat it. I threw everything that I could at it...

    The pills, the creams, the performance condoms, special rhythms during sex... all kinds of stuff.

    And none of it worked for me.

    But do you know the funny thing?

    I was trying out all the same "solutions" that I was giving to my clients - and none of them were seeing improvements either...

    It was about then that I decided I had to put a stop to this. I had to find a solution that worked, and allow myself to stop feeling like such a fake...

    And I'll tell you, I discovered something so powerful that I can guarantee it's not like anything you've ever seen before...

    It really can fix your PE, permanently, and you'll see results almost immediately...

    What's more, I'm one of the only guys in the world who's revealing this stuff.

    More on the actual cure later... for now, I have to share some earth shattering discoveries I made during my research... I'm serious, this stuff will blow you away...

    There Are Only 5 Reasons Why 
    You Get Premature Ejaculation... 
    In Most Cases Anyway

    Yup, it's true. Most men can trace their PE to one of these 5 things...

    (And don't worry, you'll see how to beat them in just a little bit)

    But anyway, here they are - see which of these applies to you...

    1- Genes- The fact is, your body is programmed to use sex for reproduction - and it wants to do that as efficiently as possible. The body wants to ensure your genes are carried down through the years, so it makes you climax quickly to try and achieve that.

    2Masturbation- Too much in your teen years may have "rewired" your body for a super quick response. Like it or not, excessive masturbation can cause Premature Ejaculation. Why? Simple, it teaches your body to focus on the wrong things... and when this happens, it's all over.

    3- Intensity- for some people, the arousal and stimulation of sex is just too much. That's why it feels like there's no way of stopping once you start... it really can be like a runaway train plummeting down the hill. It almost feels like everything's completely out of your control doesn't it?

    4- Lack of body knowledge- most people have no idea how or why the ejaculatory process works, and this leads to encouraging Premature Ejaculation without knowing. Once you understand the process though, it doesn't have to be so quick and out of control.

    5- Sensitivity- Some of us guys just have bodies that are more sensitive than others. If you've ever felt completely overwhelmed and out of control during sex, this could be you. But don't worry, it's actually an advantage if this applies to you - and you'll soon see why.

    And that's it. It sounds tough right now, and you've struggled with this for a long time, but believe me, help is at hand. Some simple adjustments and re-education will work wonders on you.

    I'm not just saying that either - you really will be able to see huge improvements in just a short space of time if you follow what you're about to discover.

    Tsunami That Sounds Great, 
    But How Do I Fix It For Me?

    Well, listen up and I'll explain everything...

    Beating your Premature Ejaculation is actually a very simple 3 step process.

    Step 1 - Mental control... believe it or not, the thoughts running through your head during sex make a huge difference to how long you can last. With a little guidance, you'll learn how to focus on the good stuff and still last way longer than you can now. 

    Step 2 - Hormone regulation... as we mentioned, understanding the actual process of ejaculation will help you get a long way to sustaining your lovemaking. And once you understand it, you'll know how to regulate the exacthormones that cause you to climax, so you'll automatically last longer...

    Step 3 - Physical control... lastly, there are a handful of things that are guaranteed to make you climax way sooner than you want to. If you know what they are, you can regulate or eliminate them, and suddenly the whole thing is completely under your control.

    A combination of these 3 factors can make huge improvements in your lovemaking. In fact, it's not unusual to see an instant improvement once you've got even just a very basic understanding.

    Let me break down exactly how we're going to do that for you...

    First, You'll Develop Your Mental Control...

    Don't worry, it's not about practicing 10 hours a day or memorizing anything. There's nothing tough about this at all. All you need to do is understand the things that trigger your Premature Ejaculation. And once you can do that, it's a cinch.

    You see, whether you know it or not, most men are absolutely clueless when it comes to this. Even if you're actively trying to delay your orgasm each time you make love, chances are you're doing exactly the wrong thing.

    Even worse, by doing things wrong, you're actually speeding up the process. Imagine that - the whole time you've been trying to fix things, you've actually been making it worse!

    It's important you understand that developing this control isn't at all difficult... it's just that doing it even slightly wrong will completely halt your progress - or worse yet, make you last even less time.

    But don't worry. I'll reveal some powerful yet simple techniques you can use to gain full control over your mental triggers... and you'll get it in surprisingly little time.

    Next, Comes Chemical Balance...

    Every single day, all day, whatever you're doing, your body is a big mess of hormones.

    Some make you feel one way, some another. But that doesn't matter. Mostly we don't care about them.

    But there are 2 hormones that have a direct impact on your ejaculation speed.

    Dopamine, and Serotonin.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a boring lecture on Chemistry or Biology. Far from it. I wouldn't know where to begin.

    But I do know that one of those hormones makes you climax fast, while the other slows you down. Your body produces both of these during intercourse, and I'll show you the smart way to regulate them, and use both of them to your advantage.

    By the way - regulating your hormones like this is perfectly safe - the same way it's safe to increase other hormones by lifting weights or running laps.

    Finally, It's About Physical Control

    The other 2 aspects of controlling Premature Ejaculation can have great affects on their own, but the whole thing gets ten times as effective once you add the physical control.

    You see, when you get down to it, the ejaculation system in your body is just like any other bodily system. It's just a set of muscles, nerve impulses and glands. So like the other body systems and muscles, it can be trained, altered, and fine tuned.

    Makes sense when you think about it doesn't it?

    You see, right now, your body is wired to ejaculate in a certain way, after a certain amount of time. Maybe it's always been that way, maybe you've accidentally trained it to be that way... who knows?

    But you can pretty easily re-wire it. You can refine it, and basically reprogram yourself.

    You see, there's a very specific set of muscles at work when you ejaculate... and they begin working long before you actually climax.

    That's why most of the Premature Ejaculation "cures" you see simply don't work. They'll show you how to strengthen the muscles through exercise, when in reality doing that isn't even half the battle.

    The most important thing is understanding what makes you ejaculate and what each muscle does... only then can you put the strengthened muscles to good use.

    But if you blindly go exercising away, there's a pretty good chance your enhanced muscle system will actually make you climax faster...

    And that's the last thing any of us need, right?

    What 99% of Premature Ejaculation programs fail to address is the fact that these muscles are the same ones thatcause the problem in the first place.

    Bottom line, if you don't learn how these muscles work, you're most likely never going to find a permanent solution to your problem...

    And That's Why Most Premature Ejaculation Cures Never Work...

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